How big are the classes?

We have two classrooms at BellinghamART; a large one and a smaller one. The large one is generally used for students 8 and up, and the smaller is usually used for ages 4-8. Our large classroom fits a class size of 14 maximum, and our small room a maximum of 10.

How does the schedule work?

Classes at BellinghamART runs in sessions - Fall, Winter, and Spring sessions. Fall session is the end of September - the beginning of December (minus one week at Thanksgiving). Winter session is January - spring break. And Spring session is mid April - the end of May. Tuition and registration is per session. If you are registered, you get first pick at a spot for the next session. For example, Fall students will be offered a spot in the Winter session before we open it up to everyone else.

Classes run every week at the same time. We assume students will be in class unless they let us know otherwise. Please contact us via email if you will be missing a class.

BellinghamART is open on school holidays unless otherwise listed. On snow days we will send out an email to let you know if we are open or closed. We will also post an announcement on our homepage.

During winter break, spring break, and summer vacation, we run art camps which can be signed up for separately on our website. 

How does tuition work?

BellinghamART is pay by the session. Tuition is charged at the time of registration for the entire session. Prices are based on how long the session is, and how long your class is each week. Tuition covers all supplies. When you sign up you can either pay the full amount at once, or divide the cost into installments.

A 10% discount on classes is automatically taken off when you sign up more then one student, or for more then one class at once.


See our scholarship page for complete information and how to apply. We offer two full scholarships a session for children, and two for adults.

What if I miss a class?

Projects at BellinghamART almost always span more than a week. This means that we could be working on the same project for 2 - 3 weeks. When a student misses a class they will likely get behind on their project. Since we offer very hands-on, guided instruction, it can be very tricky to catch a student up during the next class when other students are already ahead. 

Please let us know in advance if you will be missing a class. Even if this means a phone call 10 minutes before class (though ideally the more notice the better). If possible with our schedule, we will try to arrange for your child to attend a different class that week that is working on the same project so that they don’t get behind. Alternatives to this are taking a packet home to work on, or arranging with the teacher to come early the next week.

We also run a school-wide catch-up class at the end of each session. So if you have any projects you need to wrap up you can also attend this class. We will let everyone know about it in advance.

We work hard to keep everyone on track so that students get the most out of each class and are not rushing in their artwork. Please help us in this effort by letting us know if you cannot attend a class. 

If you are going to miss a class send us an email or call to let us know: or 360.738.8379

Missed classes are not credited, but we will always do our best to get you caught up.

If you have been exposed or have tested positive for Covid (or are sick with any other bugs) please notify us and stay home. We will get you caught up when you are well.


Because classes run in sessions and we have limited space, once a session has started we do not offer refunds. Please consider your schedule and be sure that a class works for you before signing up.

Extenuating circumstances can be addressed individually.

Special Needs

BellinghamART is happy to accommodate students with special needs. Please contact us before registering to discuss and make sure that our program and facility is a good fit.

Student Expectations

Our first priority at BellinghamART is to provide a warm and welcoming environment where students can grow their art skills. Creating this environment is a team effort. We ask our students to be kind and considerate to one another, and respectful and cooperative with our teachers. At BellinghamART we encourage a calm classroom where students can focus, and we ask that students use indoor voices and do their best to keep calm and focused while in class.

It is rare that we have issues with students but they do come up. At BellinghamART we do not tolerate any behavior that is threatening, violent, destructive, unsafe, or unkind to others. If issues arise we follow a three step system to address behavior.

Step 1: Teachers will speak one on one with the student about their behavior and find a resolution. Teachers will also reach out to the parent to make them aware of the issue.

Step 2: Teachers will have a meeting with student and parent to address behavior and find a resolution.

Step 3: If students are unable to change their behavior, we will first ask them to take a week or two off. If the issue persists, the student will not be allowed to continue with class. In these very rare instances, we will offer a prorated refund for the classes they will not attend.


Sometimes we snap photos of students working or of their finished artwork. We use these photos for marketing on our website, in print ads, and on our social media. If you would prefer your child’s photo was not used, please let us know via email and we will keep them out of the photos.